ISO Worlds Results - La Baule

Posn Boat No Boat Name Helm Crew R a c e N u m b e r Points
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 GBR 1186 BAFRSC Dave Giles Richard Chadburn 3 2 7 3 1 2 7 4 22
2 GBR 1188 Team RBRC Mike Speller Rob Burridge 7 1 3 2 14 1 2 7 23
3 GBR 828 IES Jeremy Newman Geoff Gritton 5 6 2 17 2 4 12 6 37
4 GBR 1013 Team RWO Alistair Clarke Pete Lindley 6 9 4 7 13 8 1 11 46
5 GBR 912 John Caig Sailcraft John Caig Andy Watson 4 3 6 30 22 11 3 1 50
6 GBR 1177 Team Eastbourne Mick Whitmore Sarah Smith 1 10 1 8 24 19 4 9 52
7 IRL 1195 Kevin Moore Peter Hamilton 9 11 13 10 3 12 11 2 58
8 GBR 1178 Team Eastbourne Gary Smith Lynn Whitmore 8 5 5 12 6 20 10 23 66
9 GBR 1196 Flying Banana Andrew Gould Vicky Lewis 12 4 9 15 10 6 20 15 71
10 FRA 591 Delapierre Vernieres DSQ 8 8 4 12 7 6 5 38
11 GBR 667 RAF Andy Gibbs Ross Alexander 26 18 16 1 5 15 9 10 74
12 GBR1169 Christian Smart Steve Rich 14 25 17 18 7 10 8 3 77
13 GER 712 David Maclay Susanne Maclay 2 7 14 22 4 14 16 21 78
14 GBR 921 One 2 One Rob Langton Simon Hadley 11 13 12 19 9 13 5 16 79
15 GBR 603 Andy Wilkins Jon Mills 10 24 19 6 20 16 14 40 109
16 GBR 942 Philip Harrison Philip Hooper 17 19 15 14 8 30 27 18 118
17 GBR 808 Phil Rust Lance Gill 24 14 10 24 25 9 13 17 111
18 GBR 1167 Team Eastbourne Marcus Green Stuart Goodes 15 23 26 5 11 17 32 33 129
19 GBR 930 John Payne Geoff Crease OCS 12 11 21 29 21 15 22 102
20 GBR 666 Martin Sully Sarah Sully 28 22 DNC 9 16 26 21 20 114
21 GBR 1179 Graham Shaw Mark Robinson 27 16 28 26 19 29 28 13 157
22 GBR 564 John Harvey Adrian Garlano 22 26 30 32 27 3 17 35 157
23 ZIM 664 Tom Taylor Blair Hafford 21 20 23 35 OCS 18 22 29 133
24 GBR 727 David Youngs Richard Herbert 20 27 33 20 18 22 28 27 162
25 FRA 819 Gilles Dutoit Sylvie Laurent 32 17 20 11 32 28 30 26 164
26 GBR 1158 John Jacobs Ian Kelly 18 37 31 25 15 36 33 8 166
27 GBR 910 Annabel Smoker Steve Smoker 30 38 27 36 17 5 19 39 172
28 GBR 1187 Dave Bradly Chris Shipman 23 29 22 31 37 32 25 12 174
29 GBR 1162 Simon Farren William Hales 19 15 25 37 30 37 24 24 174
30 GBR 1041 Ian Keam-Georges Lucy Keam-Georges 29 39 24 33 21 33 31 25 196
31 GBR 624 Micheal Have Alan Lee 16 21 34 39 38 24 26 DNF 159
32 GBR 1184 Patrick Ward Gordon Hughes 13 28 18 DNC DNC 31 34 28 118
33 GBR 508 Andrew Frogley Nicolette Frogley 25 35 21 23 36 27 40 38 205
34 GBR 1166 John Mather John Heyes 31 36 32 13 28 35 42 37 212
35 GBR 944 Paul Hales Robert Hales 36 31 41 16 31 23 35 DNS 172
36 GBR 527 Becci Wighey Emma Cooper 33 30 36 28 34 39 36 29 226
37 GBR 839 Jonathan Dearden Mark Brown 35 DSQ 37 29 35 38 39 14 188
38 FRA 700 Jean Luc Poinson Nadine Poinson 39 40 29 27 23 44 BFD 30 188
39 GBR 772 Steve Hills Hector Tidd 40 34 40 34 33 41 29 34 244
40 GBR 1197 Nick Veitch David Veitch 38 32 38 38 40 34 23 31 234
41 GBR 941 Peter Carrell Les Robins 37 33 39 44 39 25 28 DNS 201
42 GBR 1191 Steve Procter Charlie Clifton 34 41 35 DNC DNC 40 41 41 191
43 FRA 769 Marine Daudier Christian Daudier 43 45 42 40 42 45 43 32 287
44 GBR 660 Matthieu Barmes Simone Ziel DNS 42 43 41 26 42 DNC DNF 151
45 FRA 706 J. Villalard E. Gastineau 42 44 44 42 43 DNF DNC 36 207
46 ISR 1155 Yoram Sharett Yannick Gonthier 41 43 OCS 43 41 43 37 DNF 205

ISO Eurocup Results - Overall Table

La Baule Stokes Bay AV Overall Best 2
No. of Entries 46 19 33
Pos Helm/Crew

Sail no

1 2 Total Pts Points Position
1 Mike Speller/Rob Burridge 1188 2 1 3 3 1
2 David Giles/Richard Chadburn 1186 1 2 3 3 2
3 Alistair Clarke/Pete Lindley 1013 4 8 12 12 3
4 Mick Whitmore/Sarah Smith 1177 6 6 12 12 4
5 Andrew Gould/Vicky Lewis 1196 9 4 13 13 5
6 Kevin Moore/Peter Hamilton 1195 7 12 19 19 6
7 Gary Smith/Lynn Whitmore 1178 8 11 19 19 7
8 John Payne/Geoff Crease 730 19 5 24 24 8
9 Christian Smart/Steve Rich 1169 12 17 29 29 9
10 Philip Harrison/Philip Hooper 942 16 14 30 30 10
11 Dave Bradley/Chris Shipman 1187 28 10 38 38 11
12 James Campbell/Drummond Sydenham 1158 100 3 103 103 12
13 Jeremy Newman/Geoff Gritton 828 3 100 103 103 12
14 John Caig/Andy Watson 912 5 100 105 105 14
15 John Williams/Bryson 650 100 7 107 107 15
16 Scott Wentzell/Harrison 626 100 9 109 109 16
17 Jean Dalapierre/Verniers 1036 10 100 110 110 17
18 Andy Gibbs/Ross Alexander 667 11 100 111 111 18
19 John Gill/J Daniels 1003 100 13 113 113 19
20 David Maclay/Susan Maclay 712 13 100 113 113 19
21 Rob Langton/Simon Hadley 921 14 100 114 114 21
22 Dave Cockerill/Guy Ellis 1153 100 15 115 115 22
23 Andy Wilkins/Jon Mills 603 15 100 115 115 22
24 Moon/Moon 605 100 16 116 116 24
25 Christian Smart/Coin 1169 100 17 117 117 25
26 Phil Rust/Lance Gill 808 17 100 117 117 25
27 Wright/Duncan 1171 100 18 118 118 27
28 Marcus Green/Stuart Goodes 1167 18 100 118 118 27
29 Mike Perry/Andrew Perry 914 100 19 119 119 29
30 Martin Sully/Sarah Sully 666 20 100 120 120 30
31 Graham Shaw/Mark Robinson 1179 21 100 121 121 31
32 John Harvey/Adrian Garand 564 22 100 122 122 32
33 Tom Taylor Jones/Blair Hafford 662 23 100 123 123 33
34 David Youngs/Herbert Richard 727 24 100 124 124 34
35 Gilles Dutoit/Sylvie Laurent 819 25 100 125 125 35
36 Jon Jacobs/Ian Kelly 1158 26 100 126 126 36
37 Annabel Smoker/Steve Smoker 910 27 100 127 127 37
38 Simon Farren/William Hales 1162 29 100 129 129 38
39 Ian Keam-George/Lucy Keam-George 1041 30 100 130 130 39
40 Micheal Have/Alan Lee 624 31 100 131 131 40
41 Patrick Ward/Gordon Hughes 1184 32 100 132 132 41
42 Andrew Frogley/Nicolette Frogley 508 33 100 133 133 42
43 John Mather/John Heyes 1166 34 100 134 134 43
44 Paul Hales/Robert Hales 944 35 100 135 135 44
45 Becci Wighey/Emma Cooper 527 36 100 136 136 45
46 Jonathon Dearen/Mark Brown 839 37 100 137 137 46
47 Jean Luc Poinson/Nadine Poinson 700 38 100 138 138 47
48 Steve Hills/Hector Tidd 772 39 100 139 139 48
49 Nick Veitch/David Veitch 1197 40 100 140 140 49
50 Peter Carrell/Les Robins 941 41 100 141 141 50
51 Steve Proctor/Charlie Clifton 1191 42 100 142 142 51
52 Marine Daudier/Christian Daudier 769 43 100 143 143 52
53 Matthieu Barnes/Simone Ziel 660 44 100 144 144 53
54 J Villalard/E Gastinau 706 45 100 145 145 54
55 Yoram Sharett/Yanick Gontier 1155 46 100 146 146 55

ISO Gala Results - Overall Table

Bristol Rutland Bright-
Lee On
Av. Total

No. Of Entries

14 20 27 23 19 19 20 36459 Best 4
Pos. Helm Crew Boat Name Sail No 1 2 3 4 5 6 Total Pts Points Position
1 Mike Speller Rob Burridge Team RBRC 1188 1 2 1 1 1 1 7 4 1
2 David Giles Richard Chadburn Team BAFRSC 1186 2 1 2 3 2 100 110 7 2
3 Alistair Clarke Pete Lindley Team RWO 1013 4 7 16 4 8 2 41 17 3
4 Mick Whitmore Sarah Smith Team Eastbourne 1177 5 3 100 11 6 3 128 17 3
5 Andrew Gould Vicky Lewis Flying Banana 1196 9 100 4 6 4 100 223 23 5
6 Gary Smith Lynn Whitmore Team Eastbourne 1178 6 5 100 10 11 5 137 26 6
7 Christian Smart Steve Rich 1169 8 12 9 7 17 4 57 28 7
8 John Payne Geoff Crease 730 100 11 8 5 5 100 229 29 8
9 Martin Sully Sarah Sully 666 11 10 100 100 100 12 333 133 9
10 Scott Wentzell Jamie Cox Guiness 626 100 100 100 9 9 16 334 134 10
11 Mike Perry Andrew Perry 1192 100 15 100 100 19 6 340 140 11
12 Ian Wilkins M Sempers 539 100 100 23 19 100 13 355 155 12
13 Rob Langton Simon Hadley One 2 One 921 100 8 100 2 100 100 410 210 13
14 John Caig Andy Watson John Caig Sailcraft 912 100 6 100 8 100 100 414 214 14
15 Kevin Moore Peter Hamilton 1195 100 100 5 100 12 100 417 217 15
16 John Harvey Adrian Garand 564 100 13 100 100 100 7 420 220 16
17 Dave Bradly Chris Shipman Team Crosskeys 1187 100 100 100 100 10 11 421 221 17
18 Dave Cockerill Guy Ellis Team Xtremity 1153 100 100 7 100 15 100 422 222 18
19 John Gill J Daniels 1003 100 100 10 100 13 100 423 223 19
20 John Williams C B Williams 650 100 100 100 17 7 100 424 224 20
21 D Ryeng P Dubson 1037 10 100 100 100 100 15 425 225 21
22 Tim Garvin Nicky Francis 1185 100 100 17 12 100 100 429 229 22
23 B Burfoot J Lee 778 13 18 100 100 100 100 431 231 23
24 Steve Hills Simon Smith 772 100 16 100 15 100 100 431 231 23
25 Tony Bull Jez Bevis 595 14 100 100 20 100 100 434 234 25
26 Andy Wilkins Jon Mills 603 100 100 24 13 100 100 437 237 26
27 Ian Keam-George Lucy Keam-George 1041 100 100 18 100 100 19 437 237 26
28 Steve Proctor Charlie Clifton 1191 100 17 26 100 100 100 443 243 28
29 William Pinnock S Holden 847 100 20 27 100 100 100 447 247 29
30 James Campbell Drum Sydnham Team RWO II 635 100 100 100 100 3 100 503 303 30
31 Jeremy Newman Geoff Gritton Integrated Electrical
828 100 100 3 100 100 100 503 303 30
32 Lucy Kennedy Matt Haddon PPP Healthcare 1020 3 100 100 100 100 100 503 303 30
33 Dave Chadwick ? 685 100 4 100 100 100 100 504 304 33
34 Phil Rust Lance Gill 808 100 100 6 100 100 100 506 306 34
35 Bill Beere Barry Smith 947 7 100 100 100 100 100 507 307 35
36 Simon Phillips Garath Jones 1176 100 100 100 100 100 8 508 308 36
37 Marcus Green Mark Hilder Marin 1173 100 100 100 100 100 9 509 309 37
38 Andy Gibbs Wendy Peploe 667 100 9 100 100 100 100 509 309 37
39 Ross Alexander Cathy Brewer 599 100 100 100 100 100 100 510 310 39
40 D Bridle A Lee 517 100 100 11 100 100 100 511 311 40
41 P Hales R Hales 944 100 100 12 100 100 100 512 312 41
42 S Edwards M Barker 1015 12 100 100 100 100 100 512 312 41
43 R Portway C Bannister 970 100 100 13 100 100 100 513 313 43
44 Brian Greensmith Paul Flight 773 100 100 100 100 100 14 514 314 44
45 Harrison Ryeng 942 100 100 100 100 14 100 514 314 44
46 Bruce Mills Chris King 583 100 100 100 14 100 100 514 314 44
47 R Page L Page 929 100 100 14 100 100 100 514 314 44
48 Chris King Andy Hubbard 1180 100 14 100 100 100 100 514 314 44
49 J Lightly S Lightly 1162 100 100 15 100 100 100 515 315 49
50 Moon Moon 605 100 100 100 100 16 100 516 316 50
51 Simon Eglader D Lister 935 100 100 100 100 100 17 517 317 51
52 Paul Wilson Wyndham Lewis 572 100 100 100 100 100 18 518 318 52
53 Wright Duncan 1171 100 100 100 100 18 100 518 318 52
54 Ian Rye Andy Jenvey 558 100 100 100 18 100 100 518 318 52
55 R Evans W Berney 762 100 100 19 100 100 100 519 319 55
56 Steve Morgan Scott Grace 596 100 19 100 100 100 100 519 319 55
57 M Barker M Reed 583 100 100 20 100 100 100 520 320 57
58 Richard Steele Tim Steele 673 100 100 100 21 100 100 521 321 58
59 D Youngs J Youngs 727 100 100 21 100 100 100 521 321 58
60 Phil Elborough Mark Treacher 881 100 100 100 22 100 100 522 322 60
61 Tom Taylor Jones A Green 662 100 100 22 100 100 100 522 322 60
62 David Crawford Karl Miller 788 100 100 100 23 100 100 523 323 62
63 M Hares G Kibbler 624 100 100 25 100 100 100 525 325 63