ISO Travellers - Lowestoft SC (10th & 11th July 1999)
A quality turnout of ISOs turned up to the Royal Norfolk and Suffolk YC on the 10th & 11th July, for the fifth travellers event of the season. With blazing hot sunshine and a perfect force four, a clean start was made by all. Mike Speller and stand in World Champion ISO crew Dave Ling sailing 'Rob Burridge Race Coaching', were first to the windward mark and continued to extend their lead till the finish. The best racing was down in the pack, where places changed continuously throughout the large round the cans course, with overall winners of the pack being 'Team RWO' being sailed by top Fireball sailor Veronica Fallett and regular crew Pete Lindley. Race two saw three boats over the line - RBRC, Team RWO, and 568 Fred sailed by World Champion ISO helm Stu Rix & crewed by Mike Claxton. Eventual winners of race two were 568 Fred.
With the sun shining again and now a force five blowing, the courses for Sunday were set for windward leeward. First to the windward mark, was Speller and Dinger who led for all of lap one, then down the final run just as 568 Fred was settling for second place, RBRC gybed and Speller decided to go for a walk out of the back of the boat. Fred won the race with RBRC second and a consistent 1180 Chris King & Andy Hubbard sailing Wet & Wild Graphics, third, followed by the father and son team Mike and Chris Perry sailing 1192. The final race of the day started with just Wet & Wild Graphics on the start line who then retired after the start due to everybody retired due to varying circumstances.